International conference “Sėkmingos globos link. 2021”

On December 2 and 3, 2021. Mrs. Katarzyna Costła-Hus Deputy Director of the Municipal Social Welfare Center in Żory and Mrs. Katarzyna Kaniepień, Head of the Provincial Adoption Center in Katowice, Branch in Rybnik, participated online in the international conference entitled “Sėkmingos globos link. 2021 ”(in Polish meaning“ Towards successful foster care. 2021 ”) organized by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security in Lithuania. Above people in their speeches referred to the topic of the organization of foster care and adoption in Poland. In addition to the above-mentioned people, speeches on foster care and adoption were presented by specialists from Lithuania and Great Britain. Over 600 viewers attended the conference online. The participation of the Social Welfare Center in Żory in the international conference was possible thanks to the implementation of the project “The Academy of Conscious Parent – a replacement parent urgently wanted”.

Culinary classes as part of the “E-Senior” project

Zbliża się okres Świąt Bożego Narodzenia, czas świątecznych wypieków, ubierania choinki
i innych przedświątecznych przygotowań. I to właśnie ta przedświąteczna „gorączka” stała się doskonałą okazją do zorganizowania „Warsztatów pieczenia świątecznych pierników”.
W piątek 3 grudnia 2021r. Seniorzy kontynuowali zajęcia sprzed tygodnia w ramach projektu „E-Senior” i brali udział w zajęciach kulinarnych. Pod opieką Pani Iwony i Pani Marioli mieli okazję nauczyć się wypieku pysznych, świątecznych pierników. Niektórzy po raz pierwszy poznawali proces ich pieczenia. Seniorki z wielką radością ugniatały ciasto, wałkowały, wycinały foremkami ulubione kształty związane z motywami Świąt Bożego Narodzenia, obserwowały proces pieczenia się ciastek.
Kiedy Panie przygotowywały ciasteczka, Panowie robili sałatki warzywne.
Aż wreszcie nadszedł czas odpoczynku. Wszyscy przy wspólnej herbatce konsumowali pyszne sałatki.  Nie obyło się jednak bez zjedzenia choćby jednego ciasteczka, gdyż wspaniałe pierniczki swoim wyglądem i smakiem nęciły wszystkich.
Warsztaty kulinarne sprawiły naszym Seniorom wielką radość, a jednocześnie w sposób miły i praktyczny utrwaliły tradycje Świąt Bożego Narodzenia.
Proces dekorowania upieczonych pierniczków odbędzie się za tydzień, na kolejnych zajęciach.

December is the month of HIV / AIDS

December is the month devoted to HIV / AIDS. As part of the project “Colors of Life”, a newsletter on HIV / AIDS was created in the Transport Technical School No. 4.

Check this out!

And here a few words about our project “Give your things a second life” and the zero waste guide ♻️ was written by the European Solidarity Corps on Facebook! ❤
Check it out here


World AIDS Day!

Since 1988, December 1 has been celebrated as World AIDS Day.
Its main goal is to draw attention to the problem of HIV / AIDS infection and to show solidarity with the people affected by the disease.

So what we define as AIDS is the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and HIV is the human immunodeficiency virus.

How does HIV spread from person to person?

There are three ways of infection – unprotected sexual contact, getting infected blood from another person into our bloodstream, e.g. using the same needles, syringes by several people, sharing shaving items, during pregnancy or childbirth, an HIV-infected mother can infect her child.

Today, the disease has gone from fatal to chronic thanks to antiviral treatments and rapid diagnostic methods to detect HIV.

In Poland, you can perform HIV testing anonymously and free of charge in many facilities, just check the list of such facilities on the website.

HIV / AIDS prophylaxis means avoiding casual sexual contacts, using condoms, being careful when someone injures himself, e.g. while providing first aid, performing tattoos, cosmetic procedures in professional offices where qualified people work, if you use syringes or needles, make sure that they are sterile .

A symbol of solidarity with people living with HIV and AIDS and their relatives is the red bow, an integral part of the celebration of this day. The presence of a bow in the public sphere is a reminder that people living with HIV are full members of society and should be able to live and work in their own environment, bearing in mind the obligation to protect others from infection.



Working meeting at the Instituto de Apoio à Criança

On November 18-19, a meeting was held in Portugal on the project “The Academy of the conscious parent – A parent for replacement urgently needed!”. The hosts of the meeting were partners from the Instituto de Apoio à Criança. The meeting was attended by partners from:

  • Foundation for education – SMART,
  • Municipal Social Welfare Center in Żory,
  • Instituto de Apoio à Criança,
  • Viešoji įstaiga Mano šeimos akademija.

During the meeting, we focused primarily on:

  • The process of becoming a surrogate parent,
  • Next steps in the project, such as: further training, help-desk and webinar

During the meeting, we visited Instituto de Apoio à Criança facilities, such as:

  • Intervention support vehicle,
  • Education and Training Center,
  • Social Office.

It was a very fruitful meeting that contributed greatly to the implementation of the project.

Our point of view: Tolerance – where is it? – “Cogito” magazine!

We have an interesting recommendation for you! Cogito magazine! It is an educational biweekly for high school students preparing for the matura exam. The reader will find there the necessary aids for the oral and written exams, plus interesting interviews, reportages, a cultural section and competitions with attractive prizes.
And in the last issue of “Cogito” there was an article: “Our point of view: Tolerance – where is it?”.
Where you can, among others read about what tolerance is, who is at risk of intolerance, where we can find it and what its limits are. We highly recommend everyone to read!

International Tolerance Day at Technical School No. 4 Transport

International Tolerance Day at Technical Secondary School No. 4 Transport as part of the “Colors of Life” project.

International Tolerance Day

The date of November 16 for this holiday is not accidental. On that day 1995, UNESCO member states adopted a Declaration on the Principles of Tolerance. The document was adopted after the end of the International Year of Tolerance established by the Assembly in 1993 on the general initiative of UNESCO.

What is tolerance? In the Declaration of Principles of Tolerance, it is stated as follows:

“Tolerance is respect, acceptance and recognition of the rich diversity of cultures around the world, our forms of expression and ways of being human. She is favored by knowledge, openness, communication and freedom of speech, conscience and faith. Tolerance is harmony in diversity. It is not only a moral obligation, but also a legal and political condition. Tolerance – the value that makes peace possible – contributes to replacing the culture of war with a culture of peace. ”

The International Day for Tolerance is a celebration of respect, acceptance and recognition of the rich diversity of cultures in the world. Actions for tolerance as part of the celebrations were directed both to educational institutions and the wider society. The main goal of this day is to make the public aware of the dangers of discrimination. This time can also be an occasion for deeper reflection on many aspects of intolerant behavior.

Despite many initiatives around the world, there are still situations in the 21st century where minority groups continue to be discriminated against. Optimistic activists from various international organizations claim that the development of technology can greatly help in communication and the development of society. Hence, spreading tolerance may be easier than ever before.


November is the month of tolerance!


Tolerance and respect are fundamental values ​​related to the purposes and principles of the United Nations. Tolerance is mentioned in the preamble to the United Nations Charter. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights also begins by stating that all people are born free and equal in dignity and rights. Endowed with reason and conscience, they should act towards each other in a spirit of brotherhood. The UN Millennium Declaration confirms that tolerance, freedom and equality are fundamental values ​​necessary for international cooperation.

Declaration of Principles of Tolerance
UNESCO General Conference at its 28th session in 1995 adopted the Declaration of Principles of Tolerance. This initiative was caused by the growing phenomena of intolerance, violence, nationalism, racism and anti-Semitism, accompanied by marginalization and discrimination against minorities.
The promotion of tolerance and respect is essential in creating an atmosphere conducive to the acceptance of cultural diversity. Article 1 of the Declaration of Principles of Tolerance reads:
“Tolerance is respect, acceptance and recognition of the rich diversity of cultures around the world, our forms of expression and ways of being human. She is favored by knowledge, openness, communication and freedom of speech, conscience and faith. Tolerance is harmony in diversity. It is not only a moral obligation, but also a legal and political condition. Tolerance – the value that makes peace possible – contributes to replacing the culture of war with a culture of peace. ”

In the Declaration, the Member States defined the concept of tolerance. According to the records, tolerance is:

  • respecting someone else’s rights and property;
  • Recognition and acceptance of individual differences;
  • The ability to listen, communicate and understand others;
  • Valuing the diversity of cultures;
  • Openness to other people’s thoughts and philosophy;
  • Curiosity and not rejecting the unknown;

Recognition that no one has a monopoly on the truth.
In the UNESCO Declaration, Member States emphasize not only the need to combat intolerance and racism, but also the importance of cultural diversity.