Project „What we know about tolerance”

1/10/2022 – 31/05/2023
Project no 2022-1-PL01-KA152-YOU-000067324

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Through the implementation of the project, we want to make young people aware that being different is something natural, and understanding the other person, their needs and objectives is the basis for shaping good relations between neighboring countries.

The aim of the project ” What we know about tolerance ” is to shape attitudes of tolerance and openness to other people among Polish and Ukrainian youth.

Operational goals are assigned to this goal, such as:

  • increasing knowledge and skills in the field of tolerance, acceptance,
  • strengthening soft skills in the field of interpersonal communication
  • learning methods of conflict resolution
  • getting to know the culture of the neighboring country
  • breaking the barrier of speaking in a foreign language (English)
  • overcoming stereotypes concerning Poland and Ukraine
  • increased self-confidence of project participants
  • personal development