Senior head in shape

In October, we started another new project – “Senior Head in Shape” No. 2023-1-PL01-ESC30-SOL-000127942, the main goal of which is to improve the quality of life of seniors. Thanks to the project, each participant will acquire new skills in the field of psychology that they will be able to use in everyday life, e.g. control and influence on their emotions and behavior as well as improvement of concentration, focus and self-confidence.

So far, project participants have had the opportunity to:

  • get acquainted with the schedule and meeting plan, class topics, the idea of Development Tasks and get to know the “Development Journal” tool prepared especially for the project
  • integrate with the group, reduce stress and increase the willingness to act together effectively
  • work on your values

Seniors showed creativity and commitment from the first exercise. They approached the project program with enthusiasm and curiosity, which makes us very happy!