September is not only the beginning of school, but also the return of our seniors to sports activities.
After the summer break, seniors from Sosnowiec and the surrounding area taking part in the “Young in Spirit” project no. 2022-2-PL01-ESC30-SOL-000091172 return to Thursday classes with sports coaches.
The first such meeting took place on Thursday, September 21, 2023 at 6 p.m. Everyone was looking forward to this moment. Attendance at classes was very high. Under the supervision of a qualified trainer, Mrs. Julia, the seniors performed exercises aimed at improving their physical condition and mobility, because “Exercise can replace almost any drug, but no drug can replace exercise.” During the classes, the instructor introduced new exercises that model, among others, the abdominal muscles and release the back muscle tension. Despite a lot of physical effort, the seniors were in good spirits and willingly performed the presented exercises. They can’t wait for their next classes.