We’re getting started in the body positive trend

The school year is ending and we are just getting started! A few months ago we started the project “(Im) perfectly perfect” No. 2022-3-PL01-ESC30-SOL-000102974. The objectives of the project include showing how you can change the operation of support and self-confidence, visible effects of action.

The goals of the project include: supporting the quality of life, changing the recommendations for project participants, increasing young people’s awareness of what body shaming and body positive is, offering self-acceptance, young people’s tolerance for obese people.

Our group is already on diet training, introductory training with a nutritionist. There was also a theoretical course on Nordic walking and practical classes in nature conservation in Sosnowieckie Stawików.

Ahead of us is further work on ourselves, classes with a personal trainer, confectionery and culinary workshops. Currently, more for design t-shirts, we will show you soon.