May meadow, i.e. handicraft workshops in the Public Kindergarten. Winnie the Pooh in Sarnów

At the end of May, preschoolers attending the Public Kindergarten named after Winnie the Pooh in Sarnów took part in art workshops organized as part of the project “Little with age, but big with eco-heart!” project number: 2022-3-PL01-ESC30-SOL-000097905.

The workshop was led by a pre-school teacher, Mrs. Magdalena S. The classes began with listening to a story beginning with the words:
“In the May meadow grow multi-colored flowers, fragrant poppies, lilies of the valley, violets and chamomiles … “.

And with this accent, preschoolers started an ecological workshop entitled “May Meadow”. During the classes, children independently made beautiful works – simple and creative, for which they used recycled materials. Artistic and technical works made by two groups of “Tigers” wonderfully decorated the interior of the kindergarten’s corridor.