Mobility in Wisła under the sign of tolerance

On May 12-16, a mobility of a group of students from Poland and Ukraine to the Wisław took place as part of the main point of the project “What do we know about tolerance” No. 2022-1-PL01-KA152-YOU-000067324.

During their stay, project participants took part in numerous workshops devoted to the subject of tolerance, integration, sports and artistic activities. They also had the opportunity to visit the Wisła and the nearby mountain trails.

Five days spent together in a new group is certainly a great opportunity to get to know the group better. This was also facilitated by workshops focusing on cultural exchange and looking at the world from the perspective of one’s close neighbor. It turned out that we have a lot in common, and the elements that distinguish us are not an obstacle in accepting the other person, but additional advantages that make them unique.

In these difficult times in which our colleagues from Ukraine had to live, it was good to leave and forget everything for a moment. We could focus on the here and now. Thanks to the project, young people could strengthen the skills of tolerance and openness to other people, focus on their emotions and nurture self-confidence by noticing their advantages. Each day the positive atmosphere strengthened, which is extremely important in the integration process.

The trip to Wisła was certainly an incredible adventure for both groups and a nice break from everyday life. As a result of the activities carried out during the project, the participants will be more tolerant, willing to understand and accept the differences that occur, among others, in between people of different nationalities.

We hope that good memories will remain with the participants participating in the project for a long time.

A detailed description of each of the 5 days of stay in Wisła can be found on the project website.