As part of the project “What’s playing in your heart?” No. – 2022-2-PL01-ESC30-SOL-000090896 On February 17, we conducted classes with a psychologist for our participants.
Because each of us has emotions, each of us experiences, therefore each of us deserves to learn to “handle” them well. This was also the purpose of the classes, so that each of our participants could look at their emotions in a relaxed way for a moment and learn to feel them.
We started the class by quieting our minds. After a whole week of living on the run with slightly dimmed lights, together with the teacher, we tried to relax our bodies, feel them in a different way, to be able to look at them from a new, better side.
In the next stage of the classes, using art therapy techniques, the participants tried to express their emotions in words, and then transferred them to paper in the form of drawings. Really interesting works! Everyone presented their emotions in an individual way.
The smile on the faces of the participants is what we always want to see, and that’s how it was after these classes! See you on the next one 🙂