Important Place – Mystery of Darkness

On December 19, 2022. students of classes 4DG, 3EO and 2KT of the Transport Technical School No. 4 in Sosnowiec had the opportunity to collide with the reality that affects blind people on a daily basis. The Mystery of Darkness is a space run by the “Foundation of Important People” in order to disseminate knowledge about the functioning of blind and visually impaired people in the dark. Guests visiting this place have an unusual opportunity to visit a specially arranged educational path that allows them to experience the way blind people function. Classes have shown that it is not so simple at all. The students could see for themselves what happens to a person when their eyesight fails and how the other senses work at such a moment.

Classes in an Important Place carried out as part of the “Colors of Life” project – No. 2021-1-PL01-ESC30-SOL-000036535 introduced students to the “gray reality” of the blind in a practical way.