Workshops – How to take care of well-being?

In May, as part of the project “Colors of Life” – 2021-1-PL01-ESC30-SOL-000036535, workshops were carried out at the Technical Secondary School No. 4 Transport in Sosnowiec. The workshops were devoted to how to take care of well-being. The aim of the workshop was:

  • getting acquainted with the concept and theoretical foundations of well-being,
  • distinguishing the habit of daily well-being care
  • learning techniques to alleviate the effects of stress (mindfulness training, personal anti-stress tray)

Well-being, a person’s subjective sense of happiness, prosperity, satisfaction with the state of life; There is a so-called the onion theory of happiness (well-being), proposed by J. Czapiński; according to this theory, there are 3 levels (layers) of happiness:

  1. will to live,
  2. general mental well-being,
  3. satisfaction with various areas of life.

The will to live is a stable feeling that characterizes every living organism; well-being at its most basic level means being positive towards the goals that a person wants to pursue and that give meaning to his life; thus it can function and stay alive. Another level of happiness is general psychological well-being, that is, a conscious evaluation of one’s own life by a person; feelings and judgments about one’s happiness change under the influence of life circumstances. Satisfaction with a specific area of ​​life, e.g. family life, work, health, housing conditions, social life, is the most variable and depends on the external conditions.