April is … spring! In the project “Colors of Life” – 2021-1-PL01-ESC30-SOL-000036535, April is the month to which Parkinson’s disease is assigned. The main color is orange! Here are some important information about the disease:
Parkinson’s disease is characterized by the degeneration of structures in the brain of unknown cause. Its essence is the disappearance of the so-called dopaminergic cells in the brain, which causes symptoms such as:
- slowness of movement,
- muscle stiffness
- resting tremor
- gait and posture disorders.
What are the causes of the disease? They are still unknown, probably environmental factors that damage the nervous system in a genetically susceptible person play a role in its development. For this reason, there are no known effective treatments for Parkinson’s disease, and all treatments focus on alleviating the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease or slowing the progression of degeneration of cells in the nervous system.
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