National Day of Combating Depression

On February 23, we celebrate the Day of Combating Depression. As we know from the project “Colors of Life” -2021-1-PL01-ESC30-SOL-000036535 depression is a civilization disease and it affects everyone. It is estimated to be the second most common cause of death among people aged 15-29! The causes of depression are very different, they can be some specific events in our life, such as:

  • loss of a loved one,
  • negative experiences in childhood,
  • chronic stress.

They can also be social factors such as:

  • insulation,
  • lack of support from the environment,
  • personality traits and even genetic determinants.

There are many reasons, but how can you help someone suffering from depression? A depressed person often doesn’t ask for help. This is due to the fact that sometimes the same people are not aware of what exactly is happening to them, which is why it is so important:

  • SUPPORT that whatever happens to a given person, we will be there for them.
  • The next important step is to convince the sick person to see a doctor, because he or she will help to understand the essence of the problem and to work through it. The doctor will also be able to assess how advanced the depression is, because in some cases pharmacotherapy is needed to combat the symptoms so that the patient can function more easily on a daily basis.
  • It is worth encouraging a sick person to simple activities so that they do not sit at home with their thoughts. Let’s remember about the method of small steps.
  • One of the most important ways of helping people with depression is self-education. It will be easier for you to understand a sick person and see the world through the eyes of a sick person.

Help from outsiders is very important. Remember, depression is not a whim, it is not a fabrication, nor is it a fashion. It is a very serious disease and the person who is sick does not decide to get it.

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